Green Tech Matters – “How the adoption of reused and remanufactured tech can turn the tide on e-waste”

Green Tech Matters – “How the adoption of reused and remanufactured tech can turn the tide on e-waste”

Green Tech South West were delighted to welcome Louise Whitaker, Head of Marketing and Sustainability and Anthony Levy, CEO at Cistor, to tell us how extending the life of tech through remanufacturing and reuse enables us to turn off the tap of e-waste.

ADLIB's annual B Corp Impact Report

ADLIB's annual B Corp Impact Report

As part of our B Corp certification, we are required to create an annual Impact Report that reviews the year that’s been and sets out the goals for the year ahead, with a strong focus on how we evolve and better ourselves, improving our certification score.

Going Green as a Business

Going Green as a Business

One of our subscribers - ADLIB, recently caught up with our other subscribers, Ecosurety, as part of their initiative to educate businesses on how they can operate sustainably and ways that they can introduce and improve their green operations, regardless of the sector in which they operate, to contribute to an eco-friendly environment.