"Is Nuclear The Answer?" Nikki Jones Part 3/6 8th August 2019

Nikki Jones’ Summer Series Part 3 - “Is Nuclear The Answer” co-hosted by The Future Economy Network and Metro Bank

On 8th August The Future Economy Network welcomed Nikki Jones back for the 3rd in her series of talks on energy and climate change, this time the topic being focused on nuclear energy. The event took place at Metro Bank’s centrally located Bristol branch and kicked off with Director of The Future Economy Network discussing the benefits of subscription and updating attendees on Future Leap; the sustainable business hub and on the Festival of Sustainable Business.

Nikki then discussed, amongst other things the energy trilemma, the problems associated with nuclear scaling up, concerns of its association with weaponry, the scarcity of uranium resources, concerns around a lack of care and insufficient maintenance of decommissioned sites, the problem of where to store our nuclear waste, the high water demand associated with this energy source and issues around nuclear being economically unviable. 

The event was concluded by some interesting discussions during the Q&A session. We would like to thank Nikki Jones for speaking & our subscribers Metro Bank for providing the event space & refreshments.