NOMA Architects ongoing projects

Noma Architects

NOMA Architects have a number of ongoing projects they are excited to share!

Portland Square

This project was resubmitted to planning and got approval at committee for 257 student spaces.  The elevational treatment is the same as the previous approval.  Freemantle developments hopes to commence works as soon as possible.  The Grade I Listed terrace should will therefore be reinstated to its former glory.  NOMA Director, Paul Thornton, leads the project.  

Portland Square - NOMA

Midland Road

Another great project we are working on is for United communities Housing Assoc.  I’m leading on this 50 no. apartments and 2no. flexible units scheme boasts sustainability (district heating), accessibility, and affordability being 100% affordability.  Planning was secured last year.  It went to committee with case officer support and we received a unanimous decision to approve from councillors.  It adheres to the Urban Living SPD with dual aspect flats, private balconies and large communal garden.  Kye Dudd, Cabinet Member for Energy and Transport, has confirmed he’ll come to the ‘breaking ground’ ceremony.  We will ask Paul Smith also.  There’s a preferred contractor who we’ll be working with during construction, with appointments anticipated at the end of this month. 

Midland Road

Waverly Gardens

Perhaps you are already aware but Phase 2 of Waverely Gardens for Brunel Care is now complete.  NOMA Director Steve Davis is leading the project.  Phase 1 was completed in 2008 and provides 66 no. units. Phase 2 provides an additional 62 no. units resident extra care units; the scheme is 100% affordable (10% shared ownership).  

Waverly Gardens

Bedminster Road

This project is currently on site being built by EG Carters for Solon Housing Association.  I was involved at planning stage and Paul is leading on construction.  It will provide 29no. apartments (1,2 and 3 bed) providing much needed housing in the area based on housing needs assessment.

Bedminster Road