Virtually planning virtually everything! - April Update

Virtually planning virtually everything! - April Update

I hope this update finds you and your loved ones well and feeling rested (and hopefully full of chocolate) following the Easter break! Here at the Future Economy Network, school holidays (when we don't run any events) are an opportunity for us to reflect on how we are doing and do a lot of back office planning work and this month has been no exception.

Your Health and Wellbeing

Your Health and Wellbeing

The sustainability of our planet is one of those at the top of our minds, and so it should be. But what about the sustainability of ourselves during these particularly stressful times?

One of the UK’s most popular holidays is almost upon us. Easter is rooted in our culture as a time for celebration and rebirth, with roots in Christianity and Paganism, and yet plays havoc on our personal and financial wellbeing (as well as our planet’s wellbeing).