As a B Corp it’s especially important to practice what you preach and hold yourself accountable, which is why at ADLIB we have taken a look back at the initiatives implemented and actions taken as a business since 2020 and our last impact report.
For the Planet we have…
Offset 16.2 tonnes of carbon emissions via a carefully selected range of projects within developing countries, that have strong additional benefits beyond reducing carbon emissions. These include health benefits, saving low-income families money and reducing deforestation. All of the projects are certified to the Gold Standard and include efficient household cooking stoves and clean drinking water projects.
Reduced our carbon emissions by 18.18%.
Our Tech team have helped grow the ‘GreenTech South West’ meetup group to 1,000 members (at the time of writing), engaging and educating on a monthly basis across wide range of topics relating to the reduction of carbon emissions that will benefit from an individual level through to City-wide.
In addition to our offsetting programme, we have supported the Forest of Avon Trust by donating a tree for each new starter within ADLIB and for every candidate placed by the team into our clients.
For our People we have…
Created an employee council with representation across the entire company. Being 100% employee-owned, we operate with complete transparency, allowing for commercial education and understanding from the ground up, whilst encouraging input and feedback.
Reviewed and enhanced our maternity and paternity leave policy.
Ran an internal inclusion hackathon throughout the business, resulting in several proposals that have been implemented throughout the business to ensure we are an inclusive business from the core, whilst promoting best practice through experience without our client base.
Committed to a flexible working policy that allows all team members to operate fully remote with flexibility outside of core contact hours.
Enhanced our share option model at a manager level and paid out tax free bonus payments throughout the business, courtesy of our employee ownership trust model.
For our Communities we have…
Sophie, our SE Tech Team Manager has successfully launched MotherBoard. A Charter, community and event series that has been created to drive positive change throughout the UK Technology and Data sectors. Creating environments that support the inclusion of working mothers offers a significant solution to the shortage of talent across the Technology and Data sectors.
Alex, our Head of Data has co-founded the ‘Tech Ethics’ meetup group. ‘Tech Ethics’ considers the benefits of AI and emerging technologies, but also the challenges and ethical concerns of the social implication and potential unintended consequences these technologies can have on our society.
Mike, our SW Head of Tech, has helped to grow the ‘GreenTech South West’ community to 1000 members and is currently implementing an impact measurement report that will evidence tangible change created within the community in direct response to ‘GreenTech South West’s’ existence.
Nick has become a B Corp Ambassador, supporting fellow B2B service providers on all things B Corp.
We’ve joined over 600 companies and pledged our support to the Better Business Act which is fighting for a cleaner, greener, fairer future for all.
And finally, we’ve played an active role in the B Local group, encouraging participating and engagement, co-ordinating and leading marketing activity during B Corp month.
Read our 2021 Impact Report here.