Working with WWF, Triodos Bank UK are pleased to invite you to join them for a free virtual screening of WWF’s ‘Our Planet: Too Big to Fail’. A 40 minute film explaining how the finance sector can join the fight to save our planet, using money to effect positive environmental change. The screening will be followed by a Q&A, where you will explore the role the finance sector can play in the transition to a sustainable future and discuss what businesses can do to support and further this.
For 40 years Triodos Bank has been championing the importance of responsible finance. 2021 promises to bring this issue into spotlight more than ever before; with COP26 and the global pandemic response focussing both business and the government’s minds on meeting the social and environmental challenges we face. This screening offers an opportunity to understand more about the role of the finance sector can play in addressing the climate and biodiversity crisis; showing the impact of investing-as-usual on the planet.
Featuring stunning footage from the ‘Our Planet’ Netflix series, the film includes interviews with some of the most influential names in the sector. Climate champions Mark Carney and Tavaziva Madzinga, pioneers in sustainable finance, leading figures in economics Sir Partha Dasgupta and Kate Raworth, and campaigners Richard Curtis and Catherine Howarth, amongst others, speak on the threats to our global economy and the risk to our financial systems if we choose to ignore them.
Q&A Panellists:
Ray Dhirani – Head of Sustainable Finance, WWF-UK
Rhiannon Shah, Business Lead, Our Planet Team, WWF-UK
Bevis Watts, Chief Executive, Triodos Bank UK