The Forest of Avon Trust is embarking on a 5 year large scale tree planting programme working with partners, landowners, unitary authorities and all communities towards doubling our tree cover across the West of England,
Buying land to create new, permanent woodland – how your company can get involved
Avon Needs Trees Gets Planting
Westonbirt – A Case Study
Rooting for Change
As part of World Environment Day 2020, Fieldfisher was proud to publish its first update on the firm's flagship tree-planting initiative with its sustainable development charity partner, The Converging World.
First Trees Planted by 9Trees CIC
Planting and rewilding to create new permanent forest in the Bristol-Avon catchment area
Pure Planet urges companies to ditch 'pointless gifts' this Christmas as it gives 80 staff tree each
A renewable energy company in Bath is urging the business community to ditch "pointless gifts" this Christmas and think about the impact on the environment.