“My name is Anya Kaufman and I am a Postgraduate student at the University of Bristol undertaking an MRes in Sustainable Futures. As part of my Masters programme I am conducting a research dissertation which is investigating how the transition to working from home is affecting levels of sustainability within the home by analysing changes to practices.
The practices in question are cooking, energy use, clothes washing and drying, and engaging with nature. I am currently looking for participants for this research project and am specifically recruiting individuals, without children under the age of 12 in order to mimic what working from home would look like outside of lockdown, who have recently begun working from home.
The research process will include filling out a reflective diary on your practices in the home before and after working from home and a short follow-up interview. In total, the process should take around 3 hours. As compensation for participating in the research I can offer to answer any of your sustainability related questions or give advice on sustainability.
For the last two years I have been a Sustainability Project Officer for the University St Andrews and University of Bristol as well as having an MA in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews so can answer most questions! If you would like to participate or have any questions about the project please email anya.kaufman.2019@bristol.ac.uk.”