Interview with Michael Rossman from Energy Kill Bill

Michael Rossman is the co-founder of Energy Bill Kill, they are using technology to lower energy costs and empower businesses to be sustainable.

Tell us a little about your background.

I am a co-founder of and My entrepreneurial activity is focused on making lives easier for business owners and managers.

Tell us about your business’ purpose and vision.

Businesses should pay much less for energy; renewable energy should be affordable and e-transportation should be the norm.

Tell us about your Sustainability journey.

We launched the UK’s first carbon offsetting with a click service. Businesses can easily offset their carbon footprint with a click of a button

Renewable energy has been often cheaper in 2020 and switching with is super easy and quick.

Tell us a little about the work your company is doing.

We want businesses to be able to buy services and save with a single click.

How do you see the future for sustainable businesses?

Sustainability is the only way to go- it is financially smart and good for the environment. Distributed energy networks, self-generating grids and autonomous vehicles will make life a lot easier for many.

Any resource that has helped you in your sustainability journey that you would like to share with our readership and fellow FEN members?

Sustainable Energy without the hot air is a fantastic book -

What does being part of a community such as the Future Economy Network mean to you?

We love to engage with like-minded businesses and contribute to renewable and sustainable growth.

What does a Future Economy look like for you?

The Future Economy is a world where people and businesses have much more control on how they consume different resources such as energy or plastics. It is a world, where individual and business choice to be sustainable will be second nature to most.