Together, we reached over 30 community growing groups with donations of plants. This small gesture of support brought smiles to faces and gave us chance to hear some brilliant stories from people giving up their time to produce food for communities in need. By giving away our plants to these growing groups, we’re supporting them not only to contribute towards the #BristolFoodKind campaign, but also to providing an important opportunity to engage in nature.
We heard of the inventive ways groups were keeping their food growing and enthusiasm going – whilst adhering to the lockdown and social distancing, from well-organised rota systems, to sharing their feelings about nature in a digital scrapbook. These people are yet more hidden heroes in our response to the pandemic and are bringing a sense of hope to communities across the city.
This last week reminded me of all the reasons I love working with volunteers and communities in our city’s green spaces. These simple acts of sharing and listening are what build communities and hold us together. Whilst we can’t put a hand on a shoulder, or share in the ways we normally do, we can still listen carefully, share our time, and get through this time together.