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On the 8th of April, The Future Economy Network (FEN) and Future Leap hosted a Loafspark sponsored morning event entitled “Prioritising Wellbeing at Work” which was attended by a range of delegates. The day started with an optional yoga session with Siobhan Power, founder of Shivy Shakti Yoga, providing an uplifting start to the day. Before the event began, the attendees enjoyed some pre-sessional networking in small breakout rooms facilitated by the FEN team.
Katherine Piper, Director of Partnerships at Future Leap welcomed attendees, sharing a thank-you to Loafspark for sponsoring the event. Katherine touched upon the importance of health and wellbeing as Goal 3 of the UN sustainable development goals. The benefits of joining the network were highlighted and updates shared about the Carbon Neutral Hub in Bristol, Future Leap.
Katherine also ran through plans for the Festival of Sustainable Business, in light of new Government guidance towards the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speakers included:
· Debbie Cotton Head of Clinical Education, Invivo Healthcare
· Sarah King Founder, Loafspark
· Suzie Hance-Barkley Head of Finance & Operations, Refugee Education UK
The speakers delivered diverse insights and shared valuable knowledge in prioritizing wellbeing; from the importance of your microbiome to compassion in leadership and finally from a finance perspective.
Debbie Cotton Head of Clinical Education, Invivo Healthcare
Invivo Healthcare, the human microbiome company, has a mission to inspire positive and sustainable change in healthcare through providing analysis of our microbiomes. Debbie explained that we have more microbe cells in our body than human ones, and that there are strong links between the health of our microbes and our own mental and physical health. Our microbiome can directly communicate with our brain through the nervous system, providing an interesting take on the phrase ‘gut feeling’. Debbie encouraged us to be microbial guardians, recommending a diverse diet including the benefits of fermented foods, avoiding overuse of antibacterial cleaning products and spending more time outdoors in nature.
Sarah King Founder Loafspark
Sarah introduced Loafspark, the sponsor of the event, who offer a range of services to create a better world through the workplace. Sarah began with a story about Dame Jane Goodall who faced ridicule for showing compassion while studying apes under scientific conditions, however it was her compassion that led to fundamental discoveries. A model of system thinking was explored, showing the need to change our organisational cultures in order to influence our impact on the world. Under this model old paradigms of leadership such as ‘command and control’ are outdated and a leadership that embraces compassion is required. Sarah shared a wonderful quote from Jane Goodall “It’s only when our clever brain and our human heart work together can we achieve our full potential”.
Suzie Hance-Barkley Head of Finance & Operations, Refugee Education UK
Suzie began her presentation by discussing a ‘New Deal’; how employee expectations are changing and that wellbeing in the workplace is becoming increasingly important to retain staff. She highlighted how most companies’ top asset is their people and that investment in people will bring a multitude of benefits. Focusing on improving wellbeing can positively influence profitability, innovation, staff retention and productivity in a business. Suzie encouraged the setting of targets and to track progress against these, especially in middle management where culture change can often become stuck, and recommended pulse surveys as a way to achieve this.
60 Second Pitches
Throughout, the audience were encouraged to ask questions which stimulated widespread debate, especially around how COVID shall impact wellbeing in the workplace. Multiple attendees made use of the 60 second pitch opportunity, including Regenerative Partners, Bristol Credit Union, The Mindful Collective, Media Planet and That Balanced Life Coaching. Thank you to our sponsor Loafspark and all the speakers and attendees, which without our events calendar would not be possible.
Katherine closed the event after another opportunity for networking, leaving us all considering kimchi dishes for lunch.