On 26th November, The Future Economy Network ran the third in their November “Future Focused Fashion and Textiles” series, titled “Map Your Route To a Sustainable Future”. The event was in collaboration with University of the Arts London, a world Top 2 university for art and design. You can watch the full recording here.
The event was attended by a wide range of businesses, consumers and students over an evening, and attendees enjoyed some pre-seminar networking in small break out groups before the event began.
Katherine Piper, Director of The Future Economy Network, welcomed attendees, highlighting the benefits of joining the Network and also sharing updates about The Future Economy Network’s Carbon Neutral Hub in Bristol, Future Leap. Katherine also briefly ran through the plans for The Festival of Sustainable Business.
Jane Murrow, Course Leader of MA Textile Design at University of the Arts London, spoke on how embracing appropriate sustainable principles and practices not only re-enforces business ethos and message, but helps provide a firm foundation for future innovation, builds resilience and stability. It also keeps pace with businesses’ consumer values and expectations, and ahead of legislation trail blaze.
Focusing on company key objectives, this final workshop asked delegates to map their route to a sustainable future - reflecting on their current position, where they have made progress and most importantly; the position they intend to reach in the short, mid and long term.
After the workshop, delegates returned to the main screen to take part in some Q&A and some fun optional homework for the next workshop in the series.
Everyone was then able to network in different groups using facilitated break out rooms, before the event finished. A huge thank you to the speakers, attendees and partners University of the Arts London for this event, without which our events calendar would not be possible.