"Investing in a Green Future" 23rd April 2020

To watch this event, you can rent or buy the video here.

Thursday 23rd April saw The Future Economy Network run another exciting interactive webinar, a business B-Y-O-Breakfast, titled Investing in a Green Future. Over 40 delegates booked on to the event. The event was attended by a diverse range of delegates, all with key knowledge on sustainable finance and ready to engage in detailed conversation.

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The team introduced everyone to the virtual events space and gave quick training on how to make the most out of the interactive webinar and networking opportunities. Once everyone was used to the space and had networked a little, the seminars began. Katherine Piper, Director of The Future Economy Network, welcomed attendees, highlighting the benefits of joining the Network and also sharing updates about The Future Economy Network’s Carbon Neutral Hub in Bristol, Future Leap. Katherine also briefly ran through the plans for The Festival of Sustainable Business, where you can check out the video here.

First up, we welcomed Ewen Cairns from Corusik Consulting, who explained the arc of finance options from the traditional model which considers profit at any cost, to ESGs where finance is still an important consideration but there is also consideration of any environmental, social and governance issues, then on to Socially Responsible Investment and finally, impact investing, where financial performance is secondary to social impact. Ewen explained that where a company/individual invests their money will help facilitate change. For companies, there is also the reputational impact on their business with the potential for customers to move elsewhere if their values do not align. Ewen explained that governance, strategy and targets/metrics are key to ensuring the consideration of climate-related risks. He went on to highlight the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, the Sustainable Banking Network and the International Platform on Sustainable Finance and ended by drawing people's attention to the UK Green Finance Report which discusses the need to embed sustainability into financial reckoning. 

Next we heard from James Clark from FEN members, Hawksmoor Investment Management, who discussed how sustainable investment is evolving. James advised that there is a huge array of approaches to sustainable investment. Hawksmoor Investment Management have therefore developed an 'Impact, Integration, Exclusion' framework for thinking about these approaches. The Exclusion category is the oldest form of sustainable investment and refers to negative screening funds which avoid investment in contentious activities e.g. armaments. 'Integration' refers to investments in companies which can demonstrate positive impacts and finally 'Impact Funds' are the newest fund type and include companies that have a positive impact on the environment and/or society. Over time, there has been a shift from Exclusion to Integration or Impact as people are expecting more than just negative screening. James gave some case studies  and explained the link with SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and finished with an observation of the launch of thematic funds e.g. funds themed around circular economy principles. 

Finally, we welcomed Ellen Harrison from FEN members, Triodos Bank, who discussed how the banking sector is moving towards a greener future. Ellen opened by introducing Triodos' mission to help create a society that protects and promotes quality of life and human dignity for all. Triodos was one of the founding members of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, whose membership has grown hugely demonstrating the shift in sustainable investment. Ellen discussed the UNEP Finance Initiative Principle on Responsible Banking and the PCAF (Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials; a framework for enabling the assessment and disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. She stressed the importance of organisations being transparent and accountable, working together for an economy that is not just about economic growth. She discussed the risks around greenwashing and ended by giving some customer casestudies e.g. Berwickshire Housing Association and Riverford Organic Farmers. 

For this event, we introduced mini Q&A’s after every speaker, which created a continuous buzz throughout the event. The seminar finished with some insightful and high-level questions to the panel as a group after the mini Q&A’s. STBAH and Aparium, as well as Network members Environment Agency, TBT Marketing and Skylark Media gave a 60 second pitch - a popular opportunity at these events that continues despite the virtual nature. Finally, everyone was able to network in different groups using facilitated break out rooms, before the event finished.

A huge thank you to the speakers and attendees of this event, without this support we would not be able to do these wonderful inspiring events.