"Scoping The Future For Carbon Offsetting" 20th June 2019 — The Future Leap Network

"Scoping The Future For Carbon Offsetting" 20th June 2019

‘Scoping the Future of Carbon Offsetting’ afternoon networking event co-hosted by The Future Economy Network and Metrobank


On Thursday 20th June 2019, The Future Economy Network held an afternoon event on the topic of carbon offsetting. The event was hosted at Metro Banks’ Broadmead branch who also kindly provided all beverages.


 Metro Bank Local Business Manager, Matt West welcomed attendees and stressed the importance of sustainability considerations within the banking world. Director of The Future Economy Network, Katherine Piper then introduced The Future Economy Network’s remit, highlighting the benefits of subscribing to the Network, plans for their new carbon neutral sustainability hub, the activities and sponsorship opportunities at the Festival of Sustainable Business and the Future Economy Groups’ Recruitment offer.  


This event was filmed and you can view the footage here

Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer at Gold Standard presented on the state of and developments in the voluntary carbon market, company reporting and offsetting, post-Paris.



Wendy Stephenson, CEO at The Converging World (TCW) spoke about their remit as well as the positive social and environmental benefits that carbon offsetting with their credits and others have for companies trying to address their carbon footprints. The Converging World generates much needed clean green power into India’s grid, generating carbon credits; CDM (Clean Development Mechanisms)/ CER’s (Certified Emission Reductions) which are accredited by the UNFCCC and are registered Gold Standard.



Dr Nick Banks, Director at People, Planet and Power Company spoke about carbon accounting and carbon management – how to do an energy audit, account for green tariff electricity and set targets for reductions. He then touched on the kinds of measures that could be implemented – behavioural as well as technical.


Some excellent 60-second pitches from Energy Revolution and Network subscribers Lemon Gazelle, the University of Bristol and Climate Stewards then preceded further networking over sandwiches and snacks.


As per Katherine's 60 second pitch on behalf of the Environment Agency, The Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) is an approach linking the management of landscapes to the long-term needs of business and society. It does this by helping businesses to work together to influence the quality and performance of the landscapes in which they operate. Rather than starting with a top-down plan for the landscape, LENs looks at the landscape from the perspective of business need: what are the risks and opportunities that landscapes present to individual businesses, and therefore why should they engage? Would your business like to know more about this? If yes, please state this within the Feedback form or email info@thefutureeconomygroup.co.uk expressing your interest.


The Future Economy Network would like to offer sincere thanks to all of our speakers and to Metro Bank for co-hosting the event. Also, a huge thank you to all attendees – we hope you found it an interesting event and came away with some useful insights/collaborations.
