‘The Future of Energy Systems’ Business Breakfast event co-hosted by The Future Economy Network and Pure Planet.
On Tuesday 30th April 2019, The Future Economy Network hosted a Business Breakfast event about energy systems. The event took place at subscribers, Pure Planet’s central Bath offices who also kindly laid on a sustainable breakfast!
Attendees were welcomed by Director of The Future Economy Network, Katherine Piper who highlighted the benefits of subscribing to the Network, shared exciting news about The Future Economy Group’s move to their new carbon neutral sustainability hub, advised of their upcoming Festival of Sustainable Business and introduced, Richard Murphy, Director of Recruitment.
The Future Economy Network then welcomed Steven Day, Co-Founder of Pure Planet. Steven gave an overview of Pure Planet’s remit and then went on to talk about climate change within the media over the last 6 weeks and how we have seen a step change in media coverage, public opinion of renewables and the subsequent business response to this.
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, Dr Rick Lupton then spoke about material efficiency and the need for a systematic way of looking at the energy system and identifying what are the big and small consumers of energy. Dr Lupton illustrated through the use of Sankey diagrams the large potential for energy efficiency improvements in, amongst others electric heaters, diesel engines and electric motors. He discussed the manufacture of energy intensive materials such as steel, cement and aluminium and the huge energy saving opportunities associated with these materials. Finally, Dr. Lupton spoke about the work he is undertaking in relation to the UK FIRES programme and encouraged businesses to get involved.
Last but not least, The Future Economy Network welcomed Nathan Bradberry, Partner at Bevan Brittain LLP. Nathan spoke about government policy in relation to climate change and the subsequent ambitious plans underway within the UK to extend heat networks. He explained the difference between communal heating and district heating before discussing the drivers and challenges associated with developing heat networks. Nathan concluded by giving an overview of the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP) and stressing the need for further regulation within the industry.
Further networking over a vegan breakfast drew the event to a close. The Future Economy Network would like to offer sincere thanks to all of our speakers and to Network subscribers, Pure Planet for co-hosting the event. Also, a huge thank you to all attendees – we hope you found it an interesting event and came away with some useful insights/collaborations.