How Can SMEs Achieve a Net Zero Goal?
5th November 2019
To continue The Future Economy Network’s unofficial Green Great Britain Week, Solarsense welcomed us to their carbon neutral countryside offices in North Somerset. A break from the bustle of city life, this unique lunchtime event was sponsored by Nexus Capital Partners.
First up, we welcomed Simon Forsyth from Carbonlens to look at the six steps of carbon accounting according to PAS 2060. These steps cover calculating the business’ carbon footprint, minimising it, and finally offsetting what you can’t minimise. Simon started off by looking at the boundaries to draw when calculating one’s carbon footprint; the three different scopes and how the raw data can be extracted. 60-80% of the effort is in this step – quantifying the data. He briefly outlined his software, The Data Collector, which does this for you. Next up, he ran through minimising your footprint by setting targets with metrics. This includes setting realistic timescales and goals, offset strategies, and making sure the commitments are concise. Simon then ran through how to offset whatever is left, which included checking the quality of the carbon offsetting project. Offsetting is also an annual action, which many businesses forget. Finally, he emphasised the importance of clear communication and telling the truth. In summary, “keep it simple”.
Next, we welcomed David McDonald from sponsors Nexus Capital Partners, who talked us through how energy savings also mean financial savings (which is what Boards want to hear). He introduced the talk by mentioning the changing climate, how customer perceptions are changing, and how businesses need to adapt to survive. There are many mixed messages from the media and the Government in relation to sustainability, so businesses have a huge opportunity to be at the forefront of making real change. David highlighted the problem with measuring everything with GDP and growth, but this does not correlate with our planet’s finite resources. He ran the group through some case studies that Nexus Capital Partners have helped to achieve a reduction in energy, showcasing that “making the business case” is essential to influence boardroom behaviour change. He finished by running through some financial support options available.
Next up was Solarsense’s energy consultant, Tim Cook, who picked up on the “action” step of the previous two speakers having measured a company’s carbon footprint. Tim introduced his talk by briefly running through the company’s history and background, and their experience in solar technologies. Solarsense grew on the domestic market, yet since the feed in tariff started 10 years ago, swapped over to the commercial market. He made the point that subsidies may have ended now, but it is still completely worth the investment – as those who were subsidised were paying far more for their solar than it costs now anyway. He highlighted the fact that we need a quicker action plan than the 2050 goal, and many businesses are reflecting this. There is a huge decline in the costs of solar panels and their installation. Tim ran the group through various options for paying for renewable energy, including power purchase agreements and how they work. He also highlighted Solarsense’s work with Tesla and EV charging points.
The seminar finished off with some energetic questions from the audience, and some very lively 60 second pitches from Double Retail, Good Energy, HSBC, TBT Marketing, GRN Sportswear, Nine Trees, Keynsham Community Energy Group, Delta Simon and Auditel.
The event concluded with some valuable networking and finishing up the delicious brownies! Many of the attendees were treated to a tour of the carbon neutral office space, looking at Solarsense’s various sustainable technologies and design.
The Future Economy Network would like to offer sincere thanks to the speakers, our sponsors Nexus Capital Partners and to Solarsense for their support. Also, a huge thank you to all attendees – we hope you found it an interesting and insightful event.
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The Future Economy Network look forward to seeing you at another event soon! Details of upcoming events can be found here!