Welcome to the Hub/the Network/the team! - July update

Dear Readers,

This month's theme HAS to be all about welcomes. Not only have we re-opened our Hub doors, but we have also welcomed new team members and welcomed supporters and headline sponsors for our Festival of Sustainable Business!

One of the big highlights of this month is the re-opening of Future Leap, our sustainable business hub and the welcoming of our first co-workers to the space. All the team agree, it is a great space to learn, collaborate and showcase all things sustainability. For those of you who do not know much about the space, head over to the new website here or hear from our first ever co-workers here.

Co-working desk space - Tatum
Co-working desk space

To coincide with the opening of Future Leap, we welcomed Vicky Fraser to the team and welcomed back Deepika, Tom and Tess. Vicky joins us as Commercial Manager having worked previously for Pukka Herbs and The Wave. Deepika will be joining us as our Hub Coordinator, Tom as Operational Consultant and Tess (after an extended stay in Mexico!) will be returning to the team to support our marketing. A huge welcome Team Future Leap!

The Festival of Sustainable Business team also have some welcomes with the news that Bristol City Council are coming on board as one of our headline sponsors. We are delighted to have the local authority on board and we look forward to working with them and our other headline sponsors, Brunel Group over the coming months. To read more about the Festival, check out our press release here

Last but by no means least, The Future Economy Network welcomed new members, renewing members and event attendees throughout the month. We've noticed that due to the virtual nature of our events, members and attendees are increasingly coming from further and further afield. Indeed, we recently had one attendee logging on to a Business Breakfast event (or should that read Business Supper) from Australia! 

You are all very welcome and we look forward to further collaborations in the coming months.


Best wishes,

Katherine Piper

Director of The Future Economy Network