Happy New Year one and all! I hope you had an amazing festive break and have come back full of enthusiasm for a sustainable 2020!
This is certainly the case for the Future Economy Network & Future Leap team where, as a consequence of the success of the sustainable Christmas pop up show, we have decided to make a permanent feature of a lifestyle shop within the hub. From coconut kitchen scrubs and reusable make-up pads to biodegradable dog poo bags and plenty of other zero waste products, the shop will undoubtedly help you to kick start your sustainable new year's resolutions! Other new products include 3D printed furniture made from recycled plastic and a bamboo bike. Come visit us!
In other news, this January sees our signage going up and the final installations for our air source heat pumps and heat recovery systems. We are receiving great feedback about our eco café with vegan blueberry croissants flying off the shelves. And the co-working space is progressing well with pricing being released next (this?) week.
Sign up here if you would like to be contacted about co-working.
Katherine Piper
Director of The Future Economy Network