FEG January Update!


News from the Future Economy Group

As many of your will be aware, The Future Economy Group has been going through a period of really exciting changes over the last few months. The Future Economy Network has drastically increased their events programme where they now offer weekly sustainability-related events and networking opportunities (heavily discounted for subscribers). To support this activity, Vickey has been promoted to the role of Events Manager and The Future Economy Network has welcomed Phoebe to the team who is busy helping Vickey with events facilitation and subscriptions. Congratulations Vickey and welcome Phoebe!


Phoebe Bruford

In addition to an extended events programme, The Future Economy Network are really excited to announce the launch of their annual Festival of Sustainable Business taking place in Bristol on 17th September 2019. In the light of the recent IPCC report and Bristol’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030 and in recognition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, now is the time for businesses of all shapes and sizes to come on board and embrace sustainability. The Festival of Sustainable Business will help organisations to achieve this ambition. The Festival will consist of approximately 100 sustainable business exhibitors, 10 sustainability-related seminars and a sustainably-sourced gala dinner. Admission to the exhibition is free with discounted seminar and gala dinner tickets for subscribers. Subscribers will also receive a discount to exhibit their products/services at the Festival. Further details about the Festival can be found here. To support the coordination of the festival, the Future Economy Network is really excited to welcome Lauren to the team. Lauren has an extensive background in events management and we’re really happy to welcome her on board

Lauren Elliott

 Finally, we are thrilled to announce that The Future Economy Group has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality in their operations by 2020. As we are the leading sustainable business network in the region, by making this commitment we are leading by example and demonstrating what a massive impact organisations can have by addressing their carbon management practices. As such, our Director of The Future Economy Network, Katherine will be widening her role to include that of Head of Sustainability. Katherine has a Masters in Sustainable Development and is excited to embrace this great opportunity. To complement our ambitions, The Future Economy Network will be running a series of talks around achieving neutrality. Details of these events can be found here: 28th May 2019 Bristol’s 2030 Carbon Neutrality Goal, 11th June 2019 Go Zero – The Business Case for Carbon Neutrality, 20th June 2019 Carbon Offsetting. Please book yourself on to these events to learn more about what your organisation can do!

More exciting news to follow in February!