Going towards net zero Britain is an exciting journey, and yet many of us are wary of talking about carbon footprints and carbon reductions as we don’t want to be eco-shaming our friends and colleagues.
The climate emergency and social justice have become hot topics, and not before time. We are all reminded every day of the need to do our bit. Businesses have not been exempted from this.
In a push to encourage people to explore actions which their reduce carbon footprints, while also bringing positive benefits for health and well being, Carbon Savvy ran a Lifestyle Spring clean week with a prize draw in March.
The government is committed to all homes being carbon neutral by 2035 and there are already moves to ensure minimum standards of energy efficiency in period properties.
Carbon Savvy Easy courses can be taken live or downloaded afterwards for viewing anytime. The courses are light, easy and enjoyable, with no need for homework or notes!