"Better Business Design: Reducing Your Waste" 11th March 2021

"Better Business Design: Reducing Your Waste" 11th March 2021

Our second event in March on Thursday 11th saw the Future Economy Network host ‘Better Business Design: Reducing Your Waste”, which was attended by a wide range of delegates. Our speakers covered a range of approaches, from language and culture to single-use and re-use. Before the event began, attendees enjoyed some pre-seminar networking in small break out rooms…

"Buildings and Net Zero: The 2030 Goal" 4th March 2021

"Buildings and Net Zero: The 2030 Goal" 4th March 2021

Our first event in March on Thursday 4th saw the Future Economy Network host ‘Buildings and Net Zero: The 2030 Goal’, which was attended by a wide range of delegates from across the world. Our speakers covered a range of approaches, looking at how the industry can work towards net zero and the role of Science Based Targets from the perspectives of companies and local authorities. Before the event began, attendees enjoyed some pre-seminar networking in small break out rooms.

"Food for Thought" 25th February 2021

"Food for Thought" 25th February 2021

On Thursday 25th of February, the Future Economy Network hosted an online panel discussion entitled ‘Food for Thought’, which was attended by a wide range of delegates who enjoyed some pre-seminar networking in small break out rooms. The event welcomed a panel made up from Network members: Soil Association, Farm Wilder, Michelmores, The Community Farm and Bishop Fleming. Our speakers discussed the role of the food industry in the climate emergency and how recent events have affected businesses within this sector…